Eating disorders

Current Care Summary
Working group appointed by the Finnish Medical Society Duodecim, the Finnish Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the Finnish Psychiatric Association

Current Care Guideline «Syömishäiriöt»1 and Summary in Finnish «Syömishäiriöt»2

Early diagnosis with intervention is linked to better outcome. In primary care patients in risk for eating disorder should be screened and actively asked about eating disorder symptoms. Treatment is mainly out-patient care and should first be focused on gaining a normal nutritional status. It is important to involve the patient’s family in the treatment. A confidential relationship between health care professionals and the patient is important. The patient’s own motivation and readiness for recuperation are essential. Different therapeutic and psychosocial approaches are central in the treatment, as the disorders are psychiatric. Medical treatment may bring additional help in treating binge-eating disorder or bulimia nervosa, but it is seldom of help in treating anorexia nervosa.

Jaana Suokas (Chair)

Heidi Alenius

Hanna Ebeling

Kirsi-Maria Haapasalo-Pesu

Leea Järvi

Minna Koskinen

Eila Laukkanen

Katarina Meskanen

Laure Morin-Papunen

Anita Ryöppönen

Ulla Salonen

Päivi Tossavainen

Piia Vuorela (Current Care Editor)