
Multikomponenttinen käytöshäiriöiden ehkäisyohjelma

Sauli Hyvärinen

Näytön aste: D

Multikomponenttinen käytöshäiriöiden ehkäisyohjelma saattaa vähentää kohonneessa käytöshäiriön riskissä olevien lasten käytöshäiriöoireilua, mutta luotettava näyttö puuttuu.

Piehler ym. (2014) evaluated in a cluster randomized trial «Piehler TF, Bloomquist ML, August GJ ym. Executive...»1, if a multicomponent Early Risers preventive intervention is able to reduce behavioral problems of previously homeless children. Over the four assessment points, 223 total participants provided data, including 215 at baseline, 161 at 1 year, 139 at 2 years, and 127 at 3 years. Of this sample, mean child age was 8.12 years (SD 2.3), and 49 % of children were girls.

The used program is a multiyear, multicomponent preventive intervention for children at elevated risk for the development of conduct problems. The intervention model includes two child-focused components and two-parent/family-focused components, parent skills and family support, that are delivered as a coordinated package over a two-year period. Treatment as usual services was used as the control intervention.

Using an intent-to-treat approach, children who participated in the intervention along with their families demonstrated reduced growth in parent-rated conduct problems over the course of the study, including 2 years of intervention and an additional follow-up assessment one year after completing the intervention. The slope demonstrated a significant negative value (ES –0.90; p < 0.001), indicating an overall downward trend in conduct problems over the course of the study.

  • Study quality: Low
  • Applicability to Finnish population: Poor. Homelessness among children does not basically exist in Finland; hence, a similar risk factor cannot be used.


  1. Piehler TF, Bloomquist ML, August GJ ym. Executive functioning as a mediator of conduct problems prevention in children of homeless families residing in temporary supportive housing: a parallel process latent growth modeling approach. J Abnorm Child Psychol 2014;42:681-92 «PMID: 24141709»PubMed